Tesla Update 2023.12.1: Review of Its Features – Tesla Maison

Tesla Update 2023.12.1: Review of Its Features


Tesla's 2023.12.1 Software update adds new features to their vehicles. Model 3 and Model Y drivers can now customize the steering wheels. Watching this video shows ease-of-use when accessing multiple menus.

The left-hand scroll button has become multipurpose. You can use it to adjust settings such as brightness or Acceleration Mode, as well as perform actions such as opening the glovebox or saving Dashcam footage. To access these functions, press and hold the left-hand scroll button - this will display a menu of functions; scroll through this list until you find what suits you then set your default function by going into Controls > Display > Scroll Wheel Function.

At present, only Tesla Model 3 & Model Y drivers can customize their steering wheels, but this may change soon. Their official release notes reveal an upward pointing icon on each vehicle to indicate future suspension adjustments via scroll wheel suspension adjustment - something exclusive to Model S/X vehicles.


Speed Assist

Utilises the car's camera to identify speed signs, increasing accuracy of speed limit data in certain countries. Driving visualizations will display detected limits. Vision-based assist with speed now includes Australia, Sweden Portugal and Luxembourg among others.


Optional Gear Chimes for Model 3 and Model Y

Model 3 and Model Y vehicles can now be equipped with optional gear chimes that mimic the sound users hear when activating or deactivating Autopilot. This update should also apply to Model S/X vehicles globally.


Search Function

Our new Search function in the menu offers suggestions and displays options as you type. It also makes accessing settings and controls much simpler - particularly if your desired menus aren't readily apparent. This should make adjusting certain options much simpler!


View Photos and Read Reviews of Popular Points-of-Interest in Vancouver

Users can now gain more information by selecting a Supercharger location or point-of-interest, such as restaurants. When tapping a name of a restaurant, images, reviews, and information regarding its menu will appear.


Unknown Wiper Alignment Feature

Release notes for the 2023.12.1 model do not address whether or not users can control wipers from their steering column.

The steering wheel scroll wheel allows you to quickly and easily change the speed of windshield wipers. Simply press on the button at the end of left stalk to activate them and set your speed desired.

Your scroll wheel on the left allows you to switch between various speeds of windshield wipers. Tesla has not stated in their release notes whether this update contains enhancements and modifications, although we anticipate they might.


 Play Spotify Online and Manage Phone Calls

Twitter user @GreenTheOnly has revealed that Tesla Spotify is now being converted to their web player akin to Apple Music for faster development and service delivery.

Model S/X/Model 3/Y vehicles now allow their drivers to control their phones from their steering columns using left-hand scroll buttons on either side. These buttons allow drivers to answer/reject incoming calls, muffle/unmute while talking on phone calls, or hang up.


Expanded zoom is currently available across multiple countries.

Tesla has now expanded Zoom availability to additional countries, such as Germany, France Italy the Netherlands and Norway. You can tap on the Zoom link in your Calendar to automatically start or join a Zoom meeting; participants' video and screen sharing is only visible when you are parked; it changes to audio only when driving starts up. Zoom must only be used by drivers; tap Application Launcher then Zoom for access.

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